The Journey to open Stingrays Bookkeeping SRB (Long Story)

My Life story is an literally an open book having written my own autobiography and put my entire life on my website.  I expect many people to read it, I expect the psychology world will analyze me from what I wrote.  The timeline from 2018 – 2024 is being chronicled for various reasons.

The full journey I have taken to reach the point of accepting bookkeeping clients is one that will inspire everyone who hears it so if my websites seem different than others to you, is for the sole reason is they were created by a writer/author who’s documenting everything for his autobiography, and this is only one of the many inspiring stories to tell. 

High School ‘The Accounting Dare!’

Having Dyslexia gave me a math brain.  Having a ‘Math Brain’, in High School means, I was doing complicated Algebra equations ‘In My Head’, without showing my work.  A long discussion over my having ‘A Math Brain’ with a friend’s father, who was a C.P.A.  A dare to try my math brain on accounting.  Accepting the challenge, 2 semester’s accounting class, both Semesters accounting came to me extremely easily, scoring A+’s.  I was literally the best student in the class.  Learned that becoming an accountant would be the perfect career choice, at age 18, knowing one day ‘Jason Reed CPA’ would be my title. 

Community College Accounting

The first 2 years of college focused on writing, psychology, sociology, criminal psychology, pre-law and accounting class.  When the semester started, needing to focus on other classes, made a mathematical calculation.  I showed up for each class, participated in discussion, took and aced ‘A’s’ all quizzes and exams.  The calculation was taken a zero on every homework assignment throughout the entire semester.  The Professor advised against it fearing a stumble would cause an ‘F’, very risky.  The final grade was a ‘C’, the exact grade I Calculated. 

Security Officer Detour

I did stumble a bit in CC, stumbled into (Shotokan Karate) 2 years hard training, which led to a career as security officer which ended 2008.  I put being a CPA on back burner to protect the community.

Being a Professional

            Bookkeeping is considered entry level in the accounting field, a field that scares most people.  The goal to open my own virtual bookkeeping business began with the thought, to run my own business I need to make myself an expert first to deliver a quality product.

Devry University Online Program

            January 2020 enrolled in Devry University online program, three months pre-pandemic. 

During Covid-19 Lockdown, Locked myself in Motel Bathroom

Side note – I started earning my degree in January 2020.  I already had earned 2 years of credits from previous ‘Psychology/Sociology Major’, with 2 years of credits remaining to earn a degree.  Due to the ‘Covid Lockdown’, to find a quiet place to study, barricaded myself into a motel bathroom every day for a year. Spending every day from 6am – 5pm reading, studying, writing papers, weekly assignment’s, taking quizzes and exams. Turing a small motel bathroom into ‘My Office’ to learn accounting and Excel. 

There are many times I was finding the mistakes in the school material before others, advising both professors and students of the incorrect material.  One of top accounting students every class.  This schedule went on until 2022, for 2 long years until earning a degree.